Monday, June 16, 2008


If you would, please say an extra little prayer for us tonight.

David's seeing the doctor in the morning. At this point, the best theory I can come up with is maybe a kidney stone in his bladder. I hope it's "only" as serious as that.

And Robbie just felt "off" today. He had a couple of Bradys (where his heart rate drops) which isn't like him. He was a bit restless and just.. not quite right. They have planned some tests for the morning and we'll know more tomorrow, but I'm worried. I mean, I'm always worried, but well.. you know what I mean.

And as for me.. well.. I hadn't mentioned it, but I may as well. I've had this weird numb spot on my head since the whole pre-e thing came about. It's like part of my right temple/scalp is numb. I mentioned it to the doctor last week and she was clueless. She hoped maybe it was a weird reaction to the BP meds and that once I was clear of them, it would go back to normal, but so far, no luck. If it's still that way on Wednesday, I'm to call back again. I don't have a headache or any obvious neurological issues so it's PROBABLY some random nerve thing, but I'm not going to lie- it's freaking me out a bit. It's probably partly hypochondria- that whole "almost had a stroke" thing has left me a little shaken. But it's still weird.

I feel like my whole little family is just a mess.



Mrs. Spit said...


got the exact same thing from labetalol. Lasted about a month after I stopped taking it. Was weird, but went away. . .

You and Robbie and Dave are always in our prayers.

Joy said...

mrs spit! Gosh! That makes me feel so much better, I can't even tell you. I'll still call the doctor, just in case, but it's quite relieving to hear that I'm not alone. It's freaky.

Anonymous said...

You're all in my prayers. Hopefully everything will be minor and your family will be back to feeling great. Take care.

chipz95 said...

We're always praying for you guys. We'll be sure to say an extra one for you today!

Macchiatto said...

I'm really relieved to hear mrs. spit experienced the same thing, too! Trishy, I'm sorry you guys are experiencing so much at once. Praying lots for you guys! Please do feel free to call if you need to talk. Love you!

Heather said...

You and your family are in my prayers. I hope all is well. I'll be checking in later today to see if you have any updates.

Malloryn said...

You, Dave and Robbie are in my thoughts. I hope that today is a better day for all of you.

Anonymous said...

I'll be sending extra positive thoughts your way today. FYI - I had a numb spot on my hand after I delivered Henry and it lasted for quite a few months. I wonder if it is something in relation to the epidural. jandc

sweetsalty kate said...

trish, I've been where you are, and it's so tough. Just make sure you eat and drink and do whatever you need to get through each day - and someday, I promise, this will be an episode in your life. I was changed forever from it, but I am finding my feet again. So will you.

thinking of you all, willing that boy to just grow and grow and grow.

Tracy said...

I pray everything is okay with you, David, and Robbie.